What People Are Saying About Wellness Meetings


“I met Marta a few years back and needless to say it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I was going through a rough transition after just getting out of treatment center from an eating disorder (Anorexia Nervosa) at the time. As a person who had trouble doing something as simple as sitting still, I knew that her classes could help me from the first day that I walked in.  She taught me how to be content on my mat, how to actually close my eyes and meditate. She taught me that the practice goes beyond being on your mat; that you incorporate this into your daily routine. I know that I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for her and the way she teaches recovery yoga.”

— Diane V.

“Wellness Meetings came into my life at a sad time for me. I was trying to deal with the death of my sister and not sure where to turn. A friend of mine talked me into going to recovery yoga. I went, even though I didn’t know much of anything about recovery or yoga. I found out pretty quickly that I didn’t need to know anything about either one for it to be a place for me to heal. Marta encouraged me to go see a grief counselor and then she showed me how to put my life back together. Or maybe I should say she taught me how to show myself how to put my life back together. I recently moved out of state to be close to my parents but I follow along as much as I can from a distance. I recommend this method for anyone who needs some tough love with a light touch and a very loving tone.”

— Stephanie G.

“I met Marta many years ago, when my mother brought me to a Wellness Meeting. The benefits of the meeting were so great and noticeable that I knew I was here to stay. Marta has introduced me to mindfulness, intention and recovery. Meanwhile, I've discovered much about myself. With Marta's guidance, I've learned how to better get in touch with my body and my mind by employing some simple yoga exercises and tapping techniques. You'll quickly find that Marta is a special person who attracts light and has a special knack for connecting with each participant. She ensures that every meeting is enjoyable, meaningful and valuable.”

— Brian S.

“I went to see Marta for the first time because I had a friend in recovery that I wanted to support. I really didn’t think it would really apply to me. I wasn’t in recovery and I didn’t think I’d like yoga but I was really surprised by how much it helped me. She doesn’t talk about addiction really accept for how most people are addicted to something. I think that’s true and I think this is something that would be good for anyone who just wants to feel better.”

— Dan B.

“I previously found Yoga intimidating and had not had much success prior to Marta’s class. The minute Marta began teaching my body relaxed. Her style was so graceful and inspiring. I discovered it was easy to follow with her gentle prompts and demonstrations. Her energy facilitated a seamless flow of beauty
and connection with our class. I felt accomplished that something that had appeared so easy to others and that I felt was out of reach for me had come to fruition! I am deeply grateful for Marta”

— Colleen M.

“Wellness Meetings are like pushing a reset button. I started going at a halfway house and eventually started going to the Recovery Yoga version at the studio. I don’t know many people who really do just want to help but I know for sure that Marta does. She’s done so much for the recovery community and I just love it when she says EVERYBODY could stand a little 12 step wisdom. It’s true!”

— Laura J.

“Please don’t let the words “recovery” and “yoga” scare you away. You do not have to be knowledgeable about yoga and do not have to be in recovery for this program to make a huge impact on your life. I initially started the program with the intent to use the class as an introduction to yoga since I was intimidated by all the seasoned practitioners in yoga studios and the watch at home videos just were not for me.  I mistakenly thought the word “recovery” was to meant to address injuries, and assumed if the emphasis was on recovery, the focus would not be on my lack of yoga skills. When I arrived to my first class, I panicked when I heard the word recovery being used in another manner, but I couldn’t muster the courage to excuse myself from the class and apologize for my ignorance. I am so glad I stuck that class out and became truly informed what the program is really about.  Marta’s program is written so beautifully that it can help anyone, addict or not.  The Twelve Principles apply to everyday life and every day struggles. As the years have gone on and the seasons of my life have changed, I have used this program to help myself overcome things such as anxiety, grief, co-dependency, self-love, and just the everyday stress that life brings. The focus of the program is about healing (of any kind) and not on your personal faults or struggles; the program is spiritual without being religious; and the program meets everyone where ever they are at both physically and mentally. I can’t express enough what an impact this program has had on me.”

— Patricia C.

“Many years ago I met Marta. She absolutely changed my life. With her loving kindness and understanding I have been able to bring the program to others. I have been able to for the first time in my life confront my demons, raise wonderful children and be congruent with myself and others.

With the practices of mindfulness, tapping and an honest understanding of my higher power I have been able to start the process of living and loving again.

Being a Yoga teacher now myself which was inspired by Marta I have been able to bring peace and serenity to myself and others. It is within that one hour on the mat, with peers and an honest understanding, reflection of self, openness and trust of another that we can fully start to live again.

Marta, bar none has changed my life. With a simple class, honest care and compassion.

I will never forget my moments on the mat in Marta’s class. She made me feel I was not alone. She made me feel important.

Keep practicing! Keep showing up! Keep living! Keep trusting!”

— Bryan H.

“I’ve only been to the Recovery Yoga version of a Wellness Meeting and at first I was really just looking for something new to try to get some exercise without hurting myself. Physical exercise was hard at that time and it felt so good to do something that made me feel better without having to overextend myself. I was really just looking for some kind of physical healing, and I have to say that I did get a lot of that from practicing in a more gentle way. But I was so surprised by all of the mental and emotional healing that I got from it. I didn’t know that I was looking for that at the time.

I didn’t have anything terrible happening in my life but I did have a lot of stress and it didn’t take long for me to see that I had a real problem with negative thinking and expecting the worst from people.

Marta is such a good teacher and the people there have always been so easy to practice with, everything is relaxed and open for you to do as much as you can without feeling judged.

Most of all I got a better feeling for who I wanted to be. I didn’t know it when I first got there but I was tired of seeing the worst in people and she really taught me that when I judge other people I’m setting myself up to judge myself harshly too.

The whole thing has been a great experience! Thanks Marta for making me want to be a better version of me.”

— Ann R.

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Our mission is to provide options for accessible, reliable methods for affirming the Principles that enhance overall health and strengthen the energetic connections required for true wellness. Our only goal is to spread a message of hope with a simple approach and a path that leads to inner freedom.

You will see products and services on this site for purchase, but we are committed to creating free content that holds real value for the general public and makes the Wellness Meetings Method accessible to everyone. Your donations help us reach out to those in need to create scholarships for our trainings and courses, yoga mats, books, and other wellness products for people in transitional living, and many other worthy projects that come to our attention. A portion of every purchase and every bit of every donation made on this site goes to supporting the ongoing mission and creating more valuable content.

Thank you so much for helping us be there to help the people who need it most.