Our Story

I want you to know that this really is our story, not just mine. That’s one of the greatest things that I’ve discovered over the years. I find myself doing a lot of the talking and teaching at first, but I’ve learned so much about myself from listening to all of you. This specific method was created totally by accident, or maybe totally by divine intervention, almost like it came from out of nowhere all by itself. I still don’t know for sure how it keeps showing up so effortlessly. But I do know that Wellness Meetings didn’t start with me. They started with you.

Teaching in the room from the Sanctuary Story at the beginning of Episode 4.

Miracle in Progress was the name of my first book. I got it from a ratty piece of notebook paper, scrawled out all in capital letters, written under the words “do not disturb” and taped to a door. It was an afterthought, just to keep the noise out of the room while a bunch of us practiced on a halfway house dining room floor. I didn’t put that sign up. I didn’t write it, and I didn’t even read it until class was over, and I went to take it down. “DO NOT DISTURB! MIRACLE IN PROGRESS!” that’s exactly what it said. And that’s exactly what was happening - and it was the beginning of everything that we’re doing here.

I’ve learned so much from all of my students, but the young people in that room opened my eyes to something that I hadn’t seen before. They showed me that we can all be special and different, and still exactly the same as they told stories that felt an awful lot like mine. They taught me that we’re all horrible and wonderful, ignorant and brilliant, both deeply flawed and absolutely perfect, all at the same time. Most of all, they were my proof that miracles happen. Maybe not all once, sometimes slowly progressing, but always available in the middle of this weird and wonderful chaos that we call life. What I learned with them over the next few months changed me forever. And eventually, it turned into this! I want to say thank you, to all of you, for being my teachers and for everything that you do to help us make something worth sharing here.

All the Love and Gratitude, all the time,




Marta Mrotek is an author, E-RYT 500 Yoga Instructor, and creator of Wellness Meetings. She loves her “day job” teaching regular classes and certification trainings, but her passion for over a decade has been spreading a message of hope to an even larger community. Her commitment to sharing the benefits of Recovery Yoga with the general public is driven by the firm belief that this combination of 12-step principles and Yogic Wisdom can be used for healing and growth in any area of life. Over the last ten years, her classes for teaching people in recovery have taken on a life of their own and turned into something truly unique that can be applied by anyone in nearly any circumstance. Her first book, Miracle in Progress, provided an overview of principles and practices to set powerful intentions and change your state. These ideas expand with the Something Honest Podcast and everything in the Self-Study for Self-Realization Series.